105th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia

"Our two countries will be in the vanguard of contributing in making more just and peaceful world", Amb. Vigants

여홍일 전문기자 승인 2023.11.19 22:22 의견 0

Korea & Latvia had suffered from each difficulties and historical turmoils, but like another countries know freedom's real value and share it, said Latvia Amb. Aris Vigants in its 105th anniversary diplomatic reception to mark his country's Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia, held late last week in a downtown hotel Seoul.

Recalling about bilateral cooperations between Korea & Latvia this year, Vigants said the two nations' cooperations blosoomed in diverse areas from economy until culture, adding Latvia Economy Ministry Minister's visit served as a momentum to allow bilateral economic partnerships to be more positive & vibrant.

Latvia Amb. Aris Vigants(far left) commemorating his country's 105th anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia with Embassy diplomats and staffs in the front of the Seoul City. (Courtesy: Embassy of Latvia)

Touching upon recent 'Latvia Days' which were wrapped up successfully, Latvia envoy said the Embassy of Latvia is proud of the fact that the Embassy illuminated Latvia's economic & cultural diversity, gaining enthusiastic responses from Seoul citizens and visitors.

As all of you are aware of it, Latvia is contributing to the classic music world all over the world, producing considerable talents in the fields of culture and classic music among others, said Vigants, naming maestro Andris Nelsons & Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchester which finished their successful tour performances at the Seoul Arts Center last week.

With regard to ongoing global turbulences such as Russia's unjust war in Ukraine and Hamas' attack about Israel to name just a few, Vigants pointed out that such global turbulences awaken us once again how important are international alliance and solidarity, and cooperations to solve them.

Latvia Amb. Aris Vigants (second from right) greeting guests at the entrance of the reception venue.

Lastly, Latvia envoy praised that Korea emerged as the core strategic partner of Indo-Pacific Area, adding in that regard Latvia also upholds peace, sovereignty, territory preservation by cooperating with its ally countries and partners nations.

As Guest Honor, Honorary Consul General Kwon Kyoung-hoon, said we both are not with many natural resources, and yet we have nourished excellent human resources out of education even though we both are surrounded by powerful neighbors and suffered there from. Korea and Latvia share such an exceptional DNA, which successfully overcome the hardships with indomitable determination, added Kwon.

Public diplomacy Amb. Hong Seok-in from MOFAT who was on hand to speak his congratulatory remarks on behalf of the Government, said he believes our two countries will be in the vanguard of contributing in making more just and peaceful world as a reliable partner country for each other in a point of time where the world is faced with geopolitical challenges such as Ukraine war and the Middle East crisis etc.

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