53rd Oman National Day diplomatic reception

"Oman reaffirms Oman's firm position in supporting the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people"

여홍일 전문기자 승인 2023.11.21 21:49 의견 0

On the occasion of the 53rd Oman National Day, Oman envoy Zakariya Al Saadi utilized its diplomatic reception as an opportunity to reaffirm Oman's firm position in supporting the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people for freedom, dignity and self-determination.

Through its 53rd diplomatic reception held in a downtown hotel Seoul earlier this week, Al Saadi said in front of about over 300 invited guests including Diplomatic corps, NGOs such as Intl Cultural Heritage Strategy Center(www.icpsc.kr) that the only solution lies in ending the unlawful Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and establishing an independent state within the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on international law and the relevant United Nations resolutions, and the two-state solution is as stated in the Arab Peace Initiative.

Oman envoy Zakariya Al Saadi(center) observing his country's 53rd National Day function with VIPs on the podium. (Courtesy: Embassy of Oman)

Touching upon bilateral relations between Korea & Oman, Al Saadi stressed the bilateral ties between the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Korea stand as a testament to the strength of diplomacy, mutual respect and shared interests between our two countries. Since their establishment, Oman has consistently strengthened its robust partnership with the Republic of Korea over the years, built on understanding, cooperation and common goals, he said.

Group photo with Diplomatic Corps to mark 53rd Oman National Day on the podium.

Further he added Oman values the Republic of Korea as a reliable ally across various sectors and is committed to peace. This relationship, characterized by warmth and trust, had led to significant collaboration in diverse fields such as trade, energy, ports, technology, education and renewable energy, including green hydrogen, solar energy, smart farming and cities, cultural cooperation, and collaboration between small and medium-sized enterprises, according to Oman Amb. Zakariya Al Saadi.

Also according to the Embassy of Oman, the Omani economy is currently anchored in Oman Vision 2040, meticulously crafted as a fundamental guide and reference for planning activities from 2020 to 2040.

This vision aims to position the Sultanate of Oman among the ranks of developed countries, Al Saadi said, adding through Vision 2040, we aspire to forge a diversified, productive economy grounded in innovation, seamless role integration, equal opportunities, and strategic investment in the competitive advantages of the Sultanate of Oman.

Last but not least, Oman envoy underscored that in addtion, the Sultanate of Oman has embarked on a national strategy for zero carbon neutrality and energy transition.

As guest honor, vice minister Kim Oh-jin from the Ministry of Land and Infrastructure said he is confident that Korea's diverse knowhows and enterpreneurs' excellent technologies will be able to render big helps for Oman to proceed its Vision 2040 through his congratulatory remarks on behalf of the government.

Against this backdrop, vice minister Kim hoped the Republic of Korea and Korean enterpreneurs would serve as best partners so that Oman's Vision 2040 project can pave the way for its successful future.

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